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8 Steps To Optimize your CV, Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Jun 22, 2023
Optimize Your CV and Supercharge Your Job Search with Action Verbs


If you have been following my work or taking my courses, you know that I'm all about finding alternative paths to scoring interviews. But let's face it, sometimes we see the dream job online and have to go the traditional route and send a job application through a search engine. In those cases, optimizing your CV or resume is crucial to make it a perfect match for the job you're after.


One effective way to enhance your CV, resume and LinkedIn Profile is by incorporating action verbs to bring your experiences to life. This blog post will guide you through the step-by-step process of optimizing your job search materials using action verbs, enabling you to attract the attention of potential employers, increase your chances of landing an interview, and ultimately secure the job you've been seeking. So, you may want to update all your communication, including your LinkedIn profile and application letters.

Definition: What are action verbs

Action verbs are dynamic, action-oriented words that effectively communicate your skills, achievements, and contributions. Some examples include "achieved," "led," "implemented," "improved," "managed," "collaborated," and "innovated."



Klick here to download the Action Verb Cheat Sheet with acheivement examples





Step 1: Understand the Power of Action Verbs.

Action verbs add impact and vitality to your CV and resume, capturing the attention of hiring managers and showcasing your capabilities. Begin by familiarizing yourself with a comprehensive list of action verbs that align with your field and desired job positions.



Step 2: Analyze Job Descriptions

To tailor your CV and Resume effectively:

  1. Carefully review job descriptions for the roles you're interested in.
  2. Pay attention to the specific skills, qualifications, and responsibilities mentioned.
  3. Identify the recurring action verbs used and note them down. This step will help you align your CV and resume with the expectations of potential employers and applicant tracking systems (ATS) commonly used during the recruitment process.


Step 3: Highlight Accomplishments and Responsibilities

Revise your CV, focusing on your previous work experiences, internships, and volunteer activities. Begin each bullet point under these sections with a powerful action verb that conveys your impact. For example:

  • "Achieved exceptional sales growth by implementing a targeted marketing campaign."
  • "Led a cross-functional team to streamline operational processes, increasing productivity by 20%."


Step 4: Quantify Achievements

To make your CV more impactful, quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. Use numbers, percentages, or other measurable metrics to demonstrate the scope and scale of your achievements. For instance:

  • "Managed a budget of $500,000 and achieved a 15% cost reduction through strategic vendor negotiations."
  • "Improved customer satisfaction ratings by 25% through implementing a comprehensive training program."


Step 5: Tailor Action Verbs to Job Requirements 

Customize your CV for each job application by incorporating relevant action verbs from the job descriptions you analyzed earlier. By using language that mirrors the requirements and responsibilities of the role, you demonstrate a better fit and increase your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and ATS algorithms.



Step 6: Organize Your CV, Resume and LinkedIn Profile Strategically

Ensure your documentation is well-structured and easy to navigate. Group similar experiences together under appropriate headings such as "Work Experience," "Internships," or "Volunteer Work." Use bullet points to highlight your accomplishments and results, (replace passive expressions like "responsible for").   starting each point with an impactful action verb. This format allows employers to quickly grasp your key strengths and qualifications.



Step 7: Proofread and Edit 

Once you have incorporated action verbs throughout your CV, take the time to proofread and edit it for clarity, consistency, and grammatical accuracy. Avoid repetitive language and ensure that your verb choices accurately reflect your skills and experiences. Consider seeking feedback from a career coach, mentor, or trusted friend to get an objective perspective on your CV.



Step 8: Utilize Employment Resources 

In addition to optimizing your CV with action verbs, leverage other resources to enhance your job search. Use employment agencies, job websites, and professional networking platforms to explore career opportunities. Attend career fairs, participate in industry-specific forums, and engage with career advisors to gain valuable insights and expand your professional network.




Optimizing your CV with action verbs is a powerful strategy for boosting your chances of finding the job you desire. Incorporating dynamic and impactful language allows you to effectively communicate your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to potential employers. Remember to tailor your CV for each job application, utilize employment resources, and continuously refine your career development strategies. With an optimized CV and proactive job search approach, you'll be well on your way to securing your dream job and achieving your career goals.


Step 1: Understand the Power of Action Verbs

Step 2: Analyze Job Descriptions

Step 3: Highlight Accomplishments and Responsibilities

Step 4: Quantify Achievements

Step 5: Tailor Action Verbs to Job Requirements 

Step 6: Organize Your CV Strategically. 

Step 7: Proofread and Edit

Step 8: Utilize Employment Resources